Soooo, recently I went to the dentist for a fresh round of cleaning and up-checking and it had been a long time since the last visit. Like, a really long time. Like more than five years. And everyone was super kind and no one made me feel ashamed for not having been to the dentist in five years (except for the little cleaning tool that I’m pretty sure was cursing me the entire time it was in my mouth).
But I realized that it really wasn’t that bad of an experience and in the process of trying to figure out why it was I hadn’t been in such a long time, I realized a good part of it was because I hadn’t been in such a long time. That is to say, I hadn’t gone because I was ashamed of not having gone earlier.
Which is, in a way, very similar to why I haven’t been posting anything on Ye Olde Blarghe lately. Because I haven’t posted anything. And I feel bad. And so I keep not posting, because nothing seems worth having waited ALL THAT TIME to post.
Here is a picture of a cute animal:

So this is kind of a dental check-up of blargh posts; it’s just a little reminder that hey, it’s really not all that bad to post things, even if they are of very little interesting content.
Perhaps, especially if they are of very little interesting content.
That’s probably not true, but it makes me feel better.