Every once in a while an opportunity comes your way that’s so perfectly aligned with What You Want to Do and Things You’ve Previously Done, you can’t help but throw yourself with ALL POSSIBLE URGENCY directly into its path in the wild hope that maybe it will run over you and then notice when you’re stuck to the bottom of its shoes.
That’s pretty much what happened to me with the upcoming anthology War Stories, published by Apex Publications and edited by the excellent Jaym Gates and Andrew Liptak, coming out in October of this year.

Jaym let me know they were looking for stories that took a look at the human costs to war, and I was Genuinely Delighted when she informed me that they wanted to include my short story “Invincible” in their anthology. If you like military science-fiction, you’ll definitely want to pick this anthology up. It’s got a rock-star cast of authors, and it’s a real privilege for me to get to wedge my work in there amongst the likes of Joe Haldeman, Linda Nagata, Richard Dansky, Janine Spendlove, Ken Liu, James Sutter, Maurice Broaddus, and a whole bunch of other amazing folks. I think there are 23 stories in all.
It’s always a tricky proposition when a civilian like me sits down and tries to shape a story that will feel true to those who have served, but it’s my sincere hope that I was able to tell one that gives the honor and respect our combat veterans are due.
If you’d like to pre-order the print version you can do so here (and get the eBook free!), or you can get the eBook version now right here.
And whether you pick up the book or not, maybe consider sending a few dollars over to the great people at Hope for the Warriors®. They do excellent work providing support for post-9/11 service members and their families, and they’re a top-rated non-profit, and are consistently highly-rated for both transparency and percentage of donations that go directly to the people that need them most, so you know you want to give them money. Do it. Do it.
I’d be thrilled if you wanted to both buy the book AND donate to Hope for the Warriors®, but if you have to choose, just donate the money.